

Sinergija20 – Digital. Since Always.

The regional brand that has been successfully gathering people from the IT field from Southeast Europe for 20 years is Sinergija.

Sinergija is an annual conference organized in Serbia and dedicated to digital transformation, information and communication technologies and their business application. Since its first release, twenty years ago, Sinergija has been oriented to Microsoft technologies.

As a company focused on software development in Microsoft technologies, ICodeFactory has been working with Sinergija since 2008, when our MCT participated as a speaker for the first time. For several years in a row, our lecturers have unreservedly shared their knowledge and experience in the field of Microsoft technologies at Sinergija.

This jubilee year at Sinergija20, one of the lecturers is from ICodeFactory again. 

Sinergija20, ICodeFactory, Microsoft predavanje, Azure

We are pleased to announce that the CEO of ICodeFactory, Mr. Sergej Kešelj, will hold a lecture on the topic: The Unbearable Lightness of Being Live with Azure

Besides focusing on long-term business goals as CEO, Sergej is Chief Solutions Architect at ICodeFactory and Lead Microsoft Certified Trainer. While educating and helping software professionals to get certified Sergej shares his broad experience from real-life enterprise software development projects.

Don't miss the great opportunity to learn some new information on how to improve your business from the comfort of your home. Taking care of the safety of conference participants, Sinergija20 will be held online, in digital format via the Microsoft Teams Live Event platform, on November 25th and 26th. You can register here:

Although primarily intended for IT professionals, the conference has grown and expanded its program from year to year and it has attracted a large number of business-oriented participants.

While we are waiting for the conference, let’s make some throwback to our previous involvements at Sinergija.


Rapid Business Applications Development with Microsoft PowerApps

There are a lot of business users with no experience in software development, but with creative ideas on how to improve operational efficiency and answer business requirements in the fastest way. These users are called citizen developers.

In our 15-year long history, we have raised many skilled developers and some of them were highly-motivated citizen developers. By the time they became professionals who build applications used by some of the greatest world companies.

Microsoft PowerApp, ICodeFactory, Solutions, Custom software, Citizen Developers

In order to provide an opportunity for non-professional developers to implement their visions, Microsoft presented us Power Apps with Power Platform, as a very important tool for gaining competitive advantage for every organisation. Citizen developers, and everyone else, now can create custom solutions by themselves. 

Power Apps is a suite of apps, services, connectors and data platform that provides a rapid application development environment to build custom apps for business needs. It provides anyone to create bespoke applications that transform manual business processes to digital.

One of the favourite parts about Power Apps is the fact that apps can run consistently and smoothly in a browser or on mobile devices (phone or tablet).

Benefits of Power App are countless, but let’s name a few:

  • Low-code – the user doesn't have to know any programming language, or write a code line.
  • Speed – The process of creating an app is the fastest possible with all drag and drop interface.
  • Fully capable to integrate with Microsoft tools (Office365, Dynamic 365, Share Point…)
  • Mobile and desktop versions of the app.
  • Cost-effective
  • It’s user-friendly problem solver and easy to use.

If you want to master your knowledge in application development, or improve your knowledge in PowerApps, our trainers are ready to help you. 
Learn the differences between the Canvas and Model-driven apps. Explore all possibilities with the Power Apps, how to configure your application and create a responsive design. At the end, learn how to save and publish your brand-new application. 

Do you know what would help your business to run faster and easier? Are you ready to give a chance to Power Apps? Our MCTs are enthusiastic to help you to implement your vision. 


AZ-204 from ICodeFactory Remote Learning Environment/Home

This year has been definitely the one with the most impact on digital evolution. The situation with Covid-19 has pushed us all to the online world faster than we expected. A couple of days ago, we all had an opportunity to hear Satya Nadella at MS Build saying: ”The case for digital transformation has never been more urgent.” Our priorities were and remain to keep our teammates, partners and clients safe and secure. After 15 years of delivering courses all around the world, Microsoft Certified Trainers (MCT) from ICodeFactory made a step forward in delivering training, making the transition from on-site to a fully online environment.

This season we would like to emphasize the most wanted training from our clients AZ -204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure!

Two years ago, we spoke about AZ -203 as one of the first professional role-based Microsoft courses we have been offering for Azure developers. Since Microsoft Azure becomes the most growing cloud platform, now we have an updated version named AZ-204.

AZ-204 covers Azure architecture, Azure technology development solutions, Azure storage services, and solutions, Cognitive Services such as Computer Vision, QnA Maker, Azure service solutions, and API management services.

Candidates for this training should have 1-2 years of experience in development, and experience with Azure. If you are a beginner with Azure, you don’t have to worry, our trainers will lead you step-by-step through the learning path. Years of experience in software development based on Microsoft tools and technologies give us chance to perform a unique way of training including our strong technical background.

Learning path, Training, ICodeFactory, Microsoft, Azure

ICodeFactory team is ready to share its expertise with you! Are you ready to learn with us from the comfort of your home? Distance learning can be fun, schedule your training with our MCTs. 

Get in touch with our MCTs if you have any questions about AZ – 204 exam preparation or if you have any other questions about our training program. Implement your vision with ICodeFactory.

Learnin, Microsoft Azure, ICodeFactory, Remote