ICodeFactory – The story of our services


Each company has its own story - how it all started, how the company has developed, and what goals were achieved. Our story began 15 years ago and since then our goal has always been to help companies implement their vision through the responsible use of technology.
For modern businesses, high-quality technology services are essential for everyday tasks as well as larger projects. Our experts at ICodeFactory provide three types of services: IT solutions, IT training, and IT consulting and we wanted to take this opportunity to present our services in more detail.

ICodeFactory services, IT solution, IT training, IT consulting, Microsoft partner
IT solutions
We understand that in today’s world, the implementation of new technology is undoubtedly very important. That is why we work very closely with our clients on every project to understand their needs and goals. Providing IT solutions means that our experts are responsible for the complete process of software development, from architecture to production. We offer our clients a variety of services and support needed to maintain efficient and effective IT systems. From the design, development and launch and maintenance of their products or services. 
We are very proud to say that our customers come across a wide range of industries – from Knowledge management, Information and communication industry to Logistics, Telecommunications, Electrical, Metal industry and more.
When we talk about an innovative and creative approach to IT solutions, we also offer customized solutions that meet the needs of different clients and stay up to date with the ever-changing requirements of IT business. If you are interested in learning more about why we think this approach is the best for businesses, check out our article “Why Investing in Custom Software Pays off“.

IT training
Every company wants to have employees who are the best in their professions and to achieve that goal, it is important to invest in employees and give them the opportunity to acquire the right skills and knowledge so that they can reach their full potential. Professional development is also very motivating for continuing learning and achieving more.  It gives employees the right tools they need for their goals, and it is beneficial for both them and the company.
Being a Microsoft Gold partner means that our Microsoft Certified Trainers have the highest level of competence, which makes them excellent at delivering training to our clients. In addition to knowing all about the latest technologies, they have gained years of real-world experience in a variety of industries, making them experts in sharing knowledge with others. 
When delivering training and passing on valuable lessons, what matters is the approach. One style of training is not suitable for everyone, so we also offer customized courses. Every employee has their own unique set of skills, and we need to get to know them to be able to focus on what is important, to achieve the maximum results. After completing the training, we assess the current level of skills that employees have and how successful the training was.

IT consulting
As we have already mentioned, today’s business environment and technology are changing rapidly, so sometimes a little guidance is needed. For whatever challenges companies might be experiencing, we are here to help evaluate their IT needs and form an appropriate plan for the necessary improvements. 
We always strive to help our clients improve the quality of their systems, understand their goals, business processes and analyze the capabilities of their current systems. Our experienced professionals help improve organizations and enable teams to focus on their core business goals - they are true technology strategists, equipped with the expertise and experience to help make intelligent decisions to achieve the desired state of the digital business and solve all the complex technological needs.
We are here for simple advice or to create a whole entire plan for your business and technological needs.

We believe you enjoyed hearing about our services. Now that you know more about ICodeFactory and our field of expertise, feel free to reach out to us if you need help implementing your vision. We are ready to share our knowledge and use our expertise to help you!

ICodeFactory services, Microsoft, Software Development, IT Services, IT training, MCTs, Gold partnership